English 2H
1) You MUST read TWO texts.
-The Scarlet Letter
by Nathaniel Hawthorne (You do not need to read the introductory
“Custom House” section.)
-Choose between either The Other Wes Moore
by Wes Moore OR Kindred
by Octavia
2) Complete the following summer reading assignment.
**When you return to school in September, you will be required to write an essay that will incorporate
both novels.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Gucciardi
English 2H
Please complete the following tasks as you read each selection:
Character Notes
**As you read The Scarlet Letter
, keep notes on the following main characters:
1) Hester Prynne (at least 5 notes)
2) Roger Chillingworth (at least 5 notes)
3) Arthur Dimmesdale (at least 5 notes)
4) Pearl (at least 5 notes)
Your notes should be detailed and analytical. They should focus on the characters’ significant
personality traits, behaviors, thoughts, decisions, etc.
Unacceptable character note
: Hester wears a scarlet letter on her chest.
Acceptable character note
: Hester is a proud character. Although she knows that she is being
scrutinized by the townspeople, she doesn’t shy away from her punishment. She accepts it as
boldly as she might, even going so far as to embroider the scarlet letter, so it stands out.
**As you read The Other Wes Moore
or Kindred
, choose FOUR characters and keep at least FIVE
detailed, analytical notes on each in the same way that you did for The Scarlet Letter
English 2H
Theme Notes
Although The Scarlet Letter, The Other Wes Moore
, and Kindred
are three vastly different novels,
they do share some very significant themes. As you read each novel, keep notes on both themes listed
below. Look for specific places where these themes shine through in the people and events of the
1) The role of the environment in shaping people’s identities (How are the central characters
influenced by the places, events, societal expectations, etc. that surround them?)
5 notes from The Scarlet Letter
5 notes from The Other Wes Moore/Kindred
2) The importance of relationships (Whether it be family, friendship, mentorship, or love, how
are the central characters affected by the significant relationships in their lives?)
5 notes from The Scarlet Letter
5 notes from The Other Wes Moore/Kindred
Choose and properly cite your favorite quotes from each novel. Explain the significance of each quote
as it relates to the novel and
make a real-world connection. This connection might be to your own
life, to another book you’ve read, to a current event, etc.
5 quotes from The Scarlet Letter
5 quotes from The Other Wes Moore/Kindred
**All notes must be typed.
**When you join my Google Classroom in September, you will submit your notes there.
Have a delightful summer!!
English 2H