The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to institutions and accreditation volunteers regarding
common expenses incurred by volunteers and reimbursed by the host institution as part of their
accreditation pursuits. This guidance closely aligns with AACSB’s Travel Policy (which is in the Policy
Governance Manual). Travelers who seek reimbursement of expenses that fall outside of AACSB’s
standard policy (i.e., ability to fly at a higher-class level than permitted by policy) should contact the
school in advance of the visit to request approval of such expenses. Expense reports are to be submitted
to the host institution within three weeks of completion of the trip and should include receipts for all
charges. Expenses will only be reimbursed for the individual traveling on AACSB business. Volunteers
failing to receive prompt reimbursement should contact AACSB.
Normally, the mentor will visit the applicant institution at the beginning of the initial accreditation process.
Subsequent visits will occur as needed and as agreed upon by both the mentor and the applicant.
AACSB requires the initial accreditation applicant to work directly with the mentor to arrange the travel
logistics. The initial accreditation applicant will be responsible for the direct payment or reimbursement of
all mentor travel expenses (see “Reimbursable Expenses” below).
Peer Review Team Chair Visit Prior to the Accreditation Review
If agreed upon, deemed to have value and as schedules permit, the host institution and the peer review
team chair, may schedule an on-site pre-visit to assist the host institution in the development of the final
Self Evaluation Report (for initial accreditation reviews) or the Continuous Improvement Review Report (for
continuous improvement reviews).
AACSB requires the host institution to work directly with the chair to arrange the travel logistics. The host
institution will be responsible for the direct payment or reimbursement of all chair visit expenses (see
“Reimbursable Expenses” below).
Peer Review Teams Conducting Accreditation Reviews
Upon the establishment of the visit dates, AACSB requires the host institution to work directly with the peer
review team members to arrange the travel logistics. The host institution will be responsible for the direct
payment or reimbursement of all peer review team visit expenses (see “Reimbursable Expenses” below).
Reimbursable Expenses
AACSB International considers the following to be reimbursable expenses related to mentor and peer
review team travel:
Transportation costs such as airfare, rail, bus etc., based on the most commonly traveled means
and route consistent with the authorized purpose of the trip.
Personal automobile mileage at the maximum rate allowed by the U.S. IRS or equivalent.
Reasonable subsistence expenses such as lodging and meals.
Parking charges and tolls.
Other reasonable costs such as international travel insurance (if applicable), taxi fares and other
ground transportation.
Lodging reimbursement is normally considered for up to one night prior to the start of business through one
night after the conclusion of business, depending on the meeting schedule and the traveler’s origination
and destination city. For example, lodging for a two-day meeting will generally be limited to no more than
three nights.
Rental cars should be used only when other suitable means of transportation are not available or when
their use would result in a savings.
Air Travel
Tickets for air travel should be procured as far in advance as possible in order to obtain the most economical
fares offered by the carrier.
Air travel for trips under 10 hours one-way shall be booked at economy fares.
In recognition of the challenges involved in extended air travel, and for the general expectation to
conduct business within a relatively short time following arrival, air travel for trips of 10 hours or
longer one-way may be booked in business class. Exceptions to this policy are cited below. Travel
time is based on the scheduled departure time from the origin city until the scheduled arrival time
in the final destination city (“gate to gate”), including layovers.
This policy does not apply to air travel for shorter length trips, for example, within the 48 contiguous
United States and D.C., which shall be booked at economy fares.
The host institution for travel involving a mentor or peer review team is expected to accept this
policy as the minimum. Air travel for mentor or peer review team visits may be upgraded beyond
this policy if offered and paid for by the institution and agreed to by the peer review team