A. The Civil Rights Act of 1866
On April 9, 1866, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act declaring that all person born in the
Unites States were citizens with full rights under the Constitution.
B. The Civil Rights Act of 1871
The Civil Rights Act of 1871 made it a crime to deny any citizen equal protection under the law
by means of "force, intimidation or threat." Date Unkown.
The Civil Rights Act of 1875
A second Act, on March 1, 1875, "An Act to protect all citizens in their civil and legal
rights," declared that all persons were entitled to use public accommodations, and that all persons
were allowed to serve on juries. It gave citizens of every race and color equal rights to make
contracts, testify in court, purchase, hold and dispose of property, and enjoy full and equal
benefit of all laws. It provided punishment for anyone denying this right to any citizen. But on
the basis of Dred Scott, the Supreme Court found that the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was
unconstitutional, and that under the Constitution, Blacks were not people as "people" is used in
the Constitution. Overturned on October 15, 1883.
C. The Civil Rights Act of 1883
This may have referred to a series of cases that were heard by the Supreme Court on October 15,
1883. I was unable to locate a specific Act.
D. Executive Order 0948, 1940 (Not found, Executive orders in the Roosevelt
administration (1933-1945) were numbered, 6071-9537)
E. Executive Order 8802
Reaffirming Policy of Full Participation in the Defense Program by All Persons, Regardless of
Race, Creed, Color, or National Origin, and Directing Certain Action in Furtherance of Said
Signed: June 25, 1941
Federal Register page and date: 6 FR 3109, June 27, 1941
Amended by: EO 8823, July 18, 1941; EO 9111, March 25, 1942; EO 9346, May 27,
1943; EO 9664, December 18, 1945
F. Executive Order 9346
Further Amending Executive Order No. 8802 by Establishing a New Committee on Fair
Employment Practice and Defining its Powers and Duties
Signed: May 27, 1943
Federal Register page and date: 8 FR 7183, May 29, 1943
Amends: EO 8802, June 25, 1941
See: EO 9664, December 18, 1945
G. Executive Order 10308
Improving the Means for Obtaining Compliance With the Nondiscrimination Provisions of
Federal Contracts
Signed: December 3, 1951
Federal Register page and date: 16 FR 12303, December 6, 1951
Revoked by: EO 10479, August 13, 1953
See: EO 10461, June 17, 1953
H. Executive Order 10479
Establishing the Government Contract Committee
Signed: August 13, 1953
Federal Register page and date: 18 FR 4899, August 18, 1953
Revokes: EO 10308, December 5, 1951
Amended by: EO 10482, August 15, 1953; EO 10733, October 10, 1957
Revoked by: EO 10925, March 6, 1961
See: EO 10557, September 3, 1954
I. Executive Order 10925
Establishing the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity
Signed: March 6, 1961
Federal Register page and date: 26 FR 1977, March 8, 1961
Revokes: EO 10479, August 13, 1953; EO 10482, August 15, 1953; EO 10557,
September 3, 1954; EO 10733, October 10, 1957
Amended by: EO 11114, June 22, 1963; EO 11162, July 28, 1964
Superseded by: EO 11246, September 24, 1965 (Committee abolished)
See: Memorandum of April 18, 1961 (Public Papers of the President, 1961, Item 137)
J. Equal Pay Act of 1963
S. 1409 Public Law 8838, approved June 10, 1963
The Senate unanimously approved a bill establishing as the national policy that an individual
who does equal work must be paid equal compensation regardless of his or her sex. This measure
amends the Fair Labor Standards Act which now requires employers to pay that amount of
wages which Congress considers to be the minimum necessary for decency and basic human
needs $1.25 an hour; that employers who require the services of their employees beyond a
40hour workweek must provide additional compensation to such employees at a time and one
half rate; and that the Secretary of Labor has the power to prescribe the condition and hours of
work for children. This bill now adds the additional requirement that no employee can be paid a
wage rate less than that given to another doing the same work, because of his or her sex. Only
those employers who are now subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act will be included within the
coverage of this bill.
K. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title V1 and Title VII)
Passed on July 2, 1964
L. Executive Order 11246
Equal Employment Opportunity
Signed: September 24, 1965
Federal Register page and date: 30 FR 12319; September 28, 1965
Supersedes: EO 10590, Jan 18, 1955; EO 10722, August 5, 1957; EO 10925, March 6,
1961; EO 11114, June 22, 1963; EO 11162, July 28, 1964
Amended by: EO 11375, October 13 1967; EO 11478, August 8, 1969; EO 12086,
October 5, 1978; EO 12107, December 28, 1978
Superseded in part by EO 11478, August 8, 1969
See: EPA regulation FRL366-8, 40 20239; Final Rule of August 12, 1997 (62 FR 44174)
M. Executive Order 11375
Amending Executive Order No. 11246, relating to equal employment opportunity
Signed: October 13, 1967
Federal Register page and date: 32 FR 14303; October 17, 1967
Amends: EO 11246, September 24, 1965
Supersedes in part: EO 11478, August 8, 1969
N. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Passed on December 15, 1967
O. Executive Order 11478
Equal employment opportunity in the Federal Government
Signed: August 8, 1969
Federal Register page and date: 34 FR 12985; August 12, 1969
Supersedes in part: EO 11246, September 24, 1965; EO 11375, October 13, 1967
Amended by: EO 11590, April 23, 1971; EO 12106, December 28, 1978; EO 13087, May 28,
1998; EO 13152, May 2, 2000
See: Public Law 92-261 (86 Stat. 103), sec. 717
P. The EEO Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-261)
Passed on March 24,1972
Q. Rehabilitation Act of 1973
(Title 5 of PL 93-112; 87 Stat. 355; 29 U.S.C. 794 as amended)
Signed October 1, 1973, this law prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap under any
program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance
R. Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-454)
( http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d095:SN02640:@@@L|TOM:/bss/d095query.html| )
Passed on October 13, 1978
Replaces the Civil Service Commission with an Office of Personnel Management and a Merit
Systems Protection Board which shall hear appeals from personnel decisions which are adverse
to an employee's interest. Establishes a merit pay system for Federal managerial and supervisory
personnel making pay raises and bonuses dependent upon performance rather than length of
Eliminates the veterans' preference in Federal hiring and retention for high ranking military
retirees and veterans who have been out of the service for a specified number of years.
S. Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336)
An Act to Establish a Clear and Comprehensive Prohibition of Discrimination on the Basis of
Disability. Approved July 26, 1990. 51 p. 0-16-024794-2
AE 2.110:101-336
T. The Civil Rights Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-166)
Passed November 21, 1991
New Executive Orders
Executive Order 13078
Increasing Employment of Adults With Disabilities
Signed: March 13, 1998
Federal Register page and date: 63 FR 13111, March 18, 1998
Amended by: EO 13172, October 25, 2000; EO 13187, January 10, 2001
Executive Order 13087
Further Amendments to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in the Federal
Signed: May 28, 1998
Federal Register page and date: 63 FR 30097, June 2, 1998
Amends: EO 11478, August 8, 1969
See: Proc. 7316, June 2, 2000 (65 FR 36051)
Note: This Executive order expands equal employment policy in the Federal Government
by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Executive Order 13124
Amending the Civil Service Rules Relating to Federal Employees with Psychiatric Disabilities
Signed: June 4, 1999
Federal Register page and date: 64 FR 31103, June 9, 1999
Executive Order 13145
To Prohibit Discrimination in Federal Employment Based on Genetic Information
Signed: February 8, 2000
Federal Register page and date: 65 FR 6877, February 10, 2000
Executive Order 13152
Further Amendment to Executive Order 11478, Equal Employment Opportunity in Federal
Signed: May 2, 2000
Federal Register page and date: 65 FR 26115, May 4, 2000
Amends: EO 11478, August 8, 1969
Note: This Executive order expands equal employment policy in the Federal Government
by prohibiting discrimination based on parental status.
Executive Order 13160
Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Race, Sex, Color, National Origin, Disability, Religion, Age,
Sexual Orientation, and Status as a Parent in Federally Conducted Education and Training
Signed: June 23, 2000
Federal Register page and date: 65 FR 39775, June 27, 2000
See: EO 12250, November 2, 1980
Executive Order 13163
Increasing the Opportunity for Individuals With Disabilities To Be Employed in the Federal
Signed: July 26, 2000
Federal Register page and date: 65 FR 46563, July 28, 2000
Executive Order 13171
Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government
Signed: October 12, 2000
Federal Register page and date: 65 FR 61251, October 16, 2000
Compiled in 2001 in the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, Research
Directorate, Topical Research Intern Program (TRIP) participant.